Shelves are used to organise your Games
Set quicklist or favourites
Set a Home Screen quicklist or favourites from the 'Home' Menu option on any screen showing multiple Games
Merge Two Shelves Together
The Merge Value option on the Value's menu
on the List Values Screen for the shelf field
by Long-Pressing on a (shelf) Value
The Rename option on the Shelf's Menu on the Shelf Screen
Delete a Shelf (Keeping Games)
The Delete Shelf option on the Shelf Screen
Choose to Keep Games
The Delete Value option on the Value's menu
on the List Values Screen for the shelf field
Move a Game to a Different Shelf
The Change Shelf option on the Game's menu on the Games Screen
Press a Game in a quicklist on the Home Screen
Selecting a new value in the shelf input on Edit Details Screen
Typing a new value in the shelf input on Edit Details Screen
Export a Shelf
Choose the Export Shelf option on the menu on the Games Screen
Refer to the Export Screen for more info
Import a Shelf
Choose The Share/Import option on the side bar menu, then choose import