Comic images come initially from the web, they can come from the camera or a phone picture
When an image is downloaded from the link, its source is remembered
they can be edited from the Edit Details Screen
They are stored on the internal storage area
Change the location in the Settings Screen
They are numbered according to the Comic ID as shown on the Edit Details Screen
this is also the ID seen in Exports
When the images are on the SD card, they be externally accessed and edited
From the Edit Details Screen, via the Image Menu
you can take a picture with your phone's camera
The picture stored will be a reduced size version of the picture you take
If you need to adjust the picture afterwards, see the editing section
From the Edit Details Screen, via the Image Menu
you can choose a picture from the gallery to be your Comic image
The picture will be an exact copy of the picture you select
If you need to adjust the picture afterwards, see the editing section
The 'Show Images in List' setting controls if images are shown in the Comics Screen
This also includes the Filtered Screen and the Search Screen
you can use the Reload Missing Images menu option to download them
Showing Images can sometimes slow down the displaying and scrolling of the list
The 'See Images in Gallery' setting controls if images are visible to the Gallery Viewer
You can choose if the images used for Comic covers are visible to the phones gallery viewer
The gallery viewer should pick the changes up automatically, but you may need to restart it on some phones
Hiding the images from the viewer may speed up some viewers if you have a lot of images for the app
Use the 'Sync With Gallery' setting to re-sync the images with the gallery manually
Images can be accessed from
Pressing this setting, toggles if the gallery can see the app images
the Gallery app may need restarting to pick up the changes
Various apps offer the ability to edit image files
most will provide functions such as rotate, auto-contrast and crop
You can start an image editing app directly from the Image Menu on the Edit Details Screen
note that the Gallery Viewer will save new images with a -1 or -2 etc suffix when accessed directly;
in these cases delete the un-suffixed file and rename the suffixed file to have no suffixes
eg. an original file '789.jpg', when edited via Gallery Viewer, creates a file '789-1.jpg'
delete the original '789.jpg' file and then rename '789-1.jpg' to '789.jpg'
the Comic Library App will use the '789.jpg' file next time it displays the image