This allows customisation of the Book Library App, including changing the fields used/displayed
Settings are grouped together:
Change your GDPR choice to control personalised or non-perosnalised Advertising
View the Privacy Policy for Apps
Signs into (or registers) a user account, required to enable cloud backups
Authentication services provided by Google Firebase (see the Privacy Policy pages)
Signs out of the account, automatic cloud sync will stop, data is not deleted
Determines if the Share - Cloud Backup requires confirmation of user account
A password reset email will be sent to the email registered with the account, provided by Google Firebase
Changes the registered password, need to be signed in, re-sing in may be requested
Updates the text only display name associated with the registered account, need to be signed in, re-sing in may be requested
Updates the email address associated with the registered account, need to be signed in, re-sing in may be requested
Fully deletes the registered account and all cloud backup data, once confirmed, this is non-reversible
Selects which theme to use; the choices are light or dark, mono or not mono, the default is light, not mono
When selected, keeps the phone screen on whilst the app is in use
Hides or shows the old style action/tool bar on the screens
Removes the icons on the top menu, and displays text menus instead (e.g. "+" becomes "Add")
Changes the display of dates in the screens
Display icons for the tag fields in all screens
Read Books that are not owned, are not included when filtering or counted on the shelf screen
Each shelf uses it's own individual sort order and display settings on the Books Screen
Set the default sort order for the app on the Books Screen
This is used for new shelves / or shelves without indivudal sort orders set
Displays a right hand sidebar on the Books Screen to enable index scrolling
Changes which fields are show in the list views, see the Assign Fields Screen
Hide the unshelved shelf, when it has no Books, on the shelf screen
This allows images to be seen in the list
Changes the size of the Books in the grid view
Hide the second row totals for each shelf on the shelf screen
Items that are 'Wanted' do not count towards to the total number of Books for a shelf
Choose where the total Books number is displayed for each shelf on the shelf screen
Select the field that is shown as an overall total on the shelf screen
This can also be changed by pressing on the total on the screen
Hides all empty fields in the Edit Details Screen
Use a larger edit box for description in the Edit Details Screen
For (very) small images, expand to fit in the Edit Details Screen
Change the number of padding zeros displayed for the sequence number on the Edit Details Screen
Changes the order of the edit fields, drag the fields up/down into the order wanted
Note that the image, main dates, color, sequence and rating are all included as the image area
Resets the field order used in the edit screen to the app defaults
Hides or Shows the second quicklist on the home screen
Hides or Shows the third quicklist on the home screen
Sets a start-up password for the app, see Password Protection
for more info
Changes which screen is first shown when the app is started
Controls how number input dialogs are controlled
Enabling this uses the more restrictive type of inputs, which, on devices that support it, enables numbers to be input in preference to letters
Disable this setting if you cannot switch to letters when inputting numbers (in series numbers, sequence etc)
Opens the Advanced Fields Screen for adjusting individual fields
Removes all values from all looukp lists that are not currently used for any Book
Use the Edit List Values option on the Advanced Field Settings to manage lists indivdually
This will remove extra non alpha chars from the start and end of the main fields (includning title and series)
Takes effect with next lookup or save
Uppercase the title
Takes effect with next lookup or save
Capitalizes every word in the title
Takes effect with next lookup or save
Capitalises every word in the series
Takes effect with next lookup or save
This removes fixed words from the start and end of the title, the words are 'the, an ,a'
Takes effect with next lookup or save
This removes specific words from the series text
you can define as many words as you want, separate each with a comma
Takes effect with next lookup or save
This changes every Author Name from 'name surname' format to 'surname, name' format and back
This immediately applies all clean options to all Books
You will be asked to confirm the action as it is not reversible
Automatically set the 'Owned' Field, for new Books
Automatically set the 'Read' Field, for new Books
Automatically set the 'Wanted' Field, for new Books
Automatically update the Date 'Read' Field, when the tag is set and saved
You can type a format than will be used to automatically set the 'Format' field for new Books
Try to download larger image files where available
When set compatible Lookups will use also attempt a match by title
Note this can sometimes lead to incorrect lookups
This alters the delay when typing before an automatic search is started on the Search Screen
Change the order (regions) of the sources, sources will be checked in the order specified
Drag the regions up/down using the left hand side drag icon
You must tick a source to use it to lookup information
regions below "All" (if enabled) are disabled as "All" already includes them (in their default order)
Do not make any data connections of any type when roaming
For updates to a single Book
(lookup info, download image, upload to db etc)
For updates to many Books
(lookup missing info, download missing images, find images, search by title etc)
For updates that occur in the background (eg after a scan)
For updates to the cloud (this can be more frequent / larger amounts of data), default is WiFi Only
Copies each scanned code to the clipboard for future use
Changes how existing codes are handled when scanning in new Books
This will only accept a valid ISBN during Scanning
If an invalid code is scanned, you will be prompted to re-scan
Determines how 2-part barcodes are validated/accepted during Scanning
If an invalid code is scanned, you will be prompted to re-scan
Refer to the Scanning Page for more info
Allows the 2nd part of a barcode to be typed, if the scan didint pick it up.
This is more useful for when the 2nd barcode is too small (eg 2 digits) to be detected easily (eg magazines)
Includes the extra leading zero in the scanned code
Use this if you are regularly losing the zero from the barcodes
Allows you to select which barcode scanner is used:
Changes the autofocus interval for the built-in scanner
Change this on phones which are having trouble focusing
Email the developer for questions and futher help
Opens these help pages in the browser
Reshow the tips that have been hidden (these are shown when opening files, or on informational prompts)
You can enter an 'Advanced Key' if you have been provided one by the developer
The same key can be used for all library apps
When set, writes a log file to the sd card for help with investigating problems
This is always reset when the app is restarted
Under the latest versions of Android, all the app data is moved to the /Android/data/com.dah.librarybook/files/
This allows it to be included in the google play backups, to enable easier transfer to new devices, and to ensure a clean removal of data on app uninstall
the only data saved outside of this location is for backup purposes (as above), which can be turned off (set Backup files To Keep to None), or any exports carried out by the user
Give explicit permissions to the app to access device storage and SD card
this isn't normally required, only use if you are having trouble with backups or exports
You need to give access to the lowest folder for the device and SD card separately
If backups or exports are failing, and you have re-selected the backup folder (above), you may need to enable SAF file accessible
this uses a slower way of accessing files on the device, you will probably also need to grant direct access to the root storage and SD card folders using "Grant Access" below
Only connect using Network/WiFi for Connect Devices
Allow more time for the devices to respond to each other
when scanning for other devices and when transferring data during Connect Devices actions
Scans for new blueooth devices during a Connect Devices scan
Scans for any type of library/shelf app during a Connect Devices scan
This only applies to network/wifi scanning and will cause the scan to take longer
Select the current language used in the app
Connect to the central server to check for new languages or updates to language packs
Open the translation page to help update language entries
Download the latest language pack for the selected language
Available to download
Checks to see if there are any updates for the app
Email the developer for questions and futher help
If supported by the app store, additional purchases/upgrades can be made directly here within the app
If supported by the app store, enables a one-off purchase to permanently remove adverts for this app
If supported by the app store, enables a one-off purchase to permanently remove adverts and have unlimited cloud backup storage for this app
If supported by the app store, enables a purchase to increase the cloud backup storage for this app
Available in multiple quantaties (100,500,1000,5000), can be purchased repeatedly
If the automatic cloud sync is enabled (updates approx hourly)
Backup settings and data and images to the backup location
if backups keep failing, re-select the backup folder using the location below
Backup just settings
Backup just data
Backup just images
Change where the backups are saved/restored
You will be prompted to select the folder for backups, this can be on the SD card, all data/settings/images will backup to this single folder
The folder chosen should not be used for any other shelf app backups - use a different folder for each shelf app
The default path is the /bookshelf/backups on the internal storage
if backups keep failing, re-select the backup folder here
see also device storage below for more info on the where app data is kept
Restores settings then data
All settings and data and images will be overwritten with those from the backup location
You will be prompted to select a restore file, if you have more than one backup
this can take a while for a lot of Books, please wait until it finishes
Restores just settings
All current settings will be completely overwritten, please review after restore
You will be prompted to select a restore file, if you have more than one backup
Restores just data
Restore of data will replace all existing data, images will not be deleted
You will be prompted to select a restore file, if you have more than one backup
Restores just images
This will replace all images with those from the backup folder, images not in the backup folder will still be kept
Speeds up a restore by using more memory
untick if you have any restore errors
Perform backups automatically, at the selected interval
You will get a notification message when the backup occurs
The time of the backup may vary, to avoid unnecessary use of the battery/waking of the phone
If your automatic backups stop (force close, sd card unloaded etc), start the app and they will resume
Keep this number of historic backups
This applies to both manual and automatic backups
setting this to none turns off backups
If a notification is to be displayed when an automatic backup happens
Keeps an image, even when the Book is deleted
Deletes immediately image files that do not link to a Book
Deletes immediately all previous data values for fields that are hidden
(ie not shown in the edit screen - see Advanced Fields)
thus reducing the overall data size, and removing unwanted data
Deletes all Books
All settings, list values (including shelf names) and image files will be kept
These deletes will be carried over to the cloud at the next sync, you may wish to update the cloud sync as well
Resets all settings to their default values
custom fields will be lost (and therefore that data is no longer accessible)
Books, images and list values (including shelf names) will be kept
This will delete all image files from storage
images from the web can be re-downloaded using the Download All Images menu option, if still available on the internet
images from the camera or gallery will be lost completely
This will delete ALL data
all list values, including shelf names, will be lost
settings and image files will be kept