Fill Missing Book Information
Choose the Lookup Info option on the menu on the Edit Details Screen
The Lookup All Info option on the menu on the Books Screen
Refer to the Lookup Page for more details on looking up info
Find an image for a Book
Press the image in Edit Screen
then choose Choose New Image from Web
Reload Missing Images
Choose the Reload Missing Images option on the menu on the Books Screen
Refer to the Images Page for more details on images
Find a Book on the Web
Choose the Find On Web option on the Book's menu on the Books Screen
The Find On Web option on the menu on the Edit Details Screen
Refer to the Search Page for more details on searching
Share Book Details With Another App
Choose the Share option or the Copy To Clipboard option on the menu on the Edit Details Screen
The Share option only works with apps able to directly accept text
The Copy to clipboard stores the text, so it can be pasted into virtually any text input field in any app (long-press to get the paste menu)
Export Books
Choose the Export option on the menu on the Books Screen
or choose The Share/Import option on the side bar menu, then choose import
Refer to the Export Screen for more info
Import Books
Choose The Share/Import option on the side bar menu, then choose import