Export Screen

export screen

This screen handles the actual Export of data out of the app.

At the start of the import you need to select the fields, then the data type



Starts the Export


Exits without exporting

Which Fields

Select which fields to export

  • Just Code - Exports just the Barcode
  • Just Title - Exports just the Title
  • Code and Title - Exports just the Barcode and Title
  • Main Fields - Exports all fields, but not custom fields
  • All Fields - Exports all fields (including custom)
  • Custom Field List - Select the fields and the order you want to export

Export to...

Select the folder to export to, this can be on the SD card

Exporting to Email will launch your email app after the export is created

Type of File

Select which file format to export to: see the File Format section

Which Shelves

If exporting from the main Shelf Screen menu, you can select which shelves to export,
click the "Export All" button to export all shelves


Name your export

export name

If exporting multiple shelves,
you can use the * to represent each shelf name
if you don't use the * for multiple shelves, then all shelves will be in a single export file

Moving Data between Fields via Export and Import

It is possible to switch data between fields as follows:

1. Move all the Games to one shelf (if not already on a seperate shelf)

This makes it it easier to work with a set of Games

2. Export the shelf

Use the XML format

3. Delete the shelf including the Games

Note images will be deleted, take a copy of any images you need to keep
you can re-download images for those that came from the web

4. Start an import of the just exported file

Don't start the actual import just yet...

5. Change the field mappings

Switch the data fields and the app fields round to match how you want to rearrange the data

6. Run the import

The data will be changed as wanted,
re-download images or use the image menu to select from the gallery

Export/Import Data Formats

Standard CSV (.csv)

CSV File

Text file, with one row per Game,

Header row contains field names

Each field surrounded with "..." and separated with a comma, eg:


Tab Separated (.txt)

Tab Separated File

Text file, with one row per Game,

Header row contains field names

Each field separated with a tab (character 9)

This is slightly more compact than a csv, and doesn't have an quoting problems, eg:

abc {tab} def {tab} 123

XML (.xml)

XML File

Fully defined XML file, with one node per Game, and a subnode per field

Field definitions are in nodes at the start of file

This is the most complete export, but is the larger of the formats, eg:



Share / Clipboard Format

This is the format used for copying to/import from the clipboard, it is also the share format

One line per field, with the field name then a colon then the data, eg:

title:Artemis Fowl

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